Engine Management
Pre-purchase / Delivery
- Desktop review (risk)
- Life cycle analysis (exposure)
- Records review
- BSI oversight
Lease Management
- Shop visit management
- MR claim support
- Desktop review
- Life cycle analysis
- Workscope review
Redelivery / Sale
- Sale support
- Records reviews
- Inventory checks
- BSI oversight
- MPA run oversight
Maintenance Events
- Workscope review
- Table inspection (Onsite or Virtual)
- Material assessment
- Invoice review
- Life cycle analysis
- Reserve claim analysis
Develop & Review Scope of Work
- Compare workscope with requirements
- Calculate the level of repair required
- Identify failures and assess the level of rectification required
- LLP back to birth trace review
- AD and SB assessment
- Compare against future redelivery conditions
Claims Review & Negotiation
- Carry out claim review
- Assess in accordance with lease
- Provide report of recommendation
Mediation & Arbitration Support
- Clients are assured by Acumen’s capability when seeking expert support in resolving aero engine disputes.
- Acumen deploys a unique combination of operational experience and its subject matter knowledge to support its clients in reaching resolution.
Strategic Lifecycle Analysis
- Assess engine serviceability
- Review life limited parts
- AD & SB status
- Compile gap assessment
- Establish workscope history
- Plot cash flow forecast
- Calculate the next expected shop visit, and expected costings
Insurance Survey & Claim
- Acumen will review each engine removal declared an insurance event, then work with the operator and insurance representatives to support your interest